Wednesday, January 28, 2009

It's been way too long

It seems my life went into a tail spin after my dad passed away. I haven't felt like working on the airflow. That is about to change. A fellow saablinker made me aware of the fact that my story was published in NINES. This has lit a fire under me so to speak. My life is utter chaos right now. I am still working for the same company doing events as well as working on another project. I took time off of school because I just can't seem to concentrate on it. I still have a house to empty and 2 cars to build including the airflow.

I would like to thank everyone for the support that they have given me over the last year and a half. I feel like I have let the saab community down by not finishing this build. Rest assured it will be completed. Any help is appreciated as my father was my right hand man when working on my cars. Parts donations are welcome but I am not excepting any monetary donations as of now.

I added a new car to the stable, a 95 9000 aero. She is red with light grey leather. Of course it is a 5spd. She gave me hell when I first bought it by throwing a rod bearing but she has a brand new motor in her now and is loving boost. I love this car and I know my dad would be proud of the fact that I swapped the motor myself.

These blogs my be taking on a new meaning in the next few months till it gets warmer. I haven't written about my fathers death in a while and now that I am doing it feels great. I guess in some ways it is quite therapeutic.

Comments are always welcome.
